All of which begs the question, if people at the heart of AI are struggling to keep apace how do we expect those on the outside to do so?
One solution is to find a service that absorbs this vast, emergent, rapidly evolving world, sift it and make its comprehensible. A service that can then act as an invaluable trusted resource in our very uncertain times.
Here’s why the times they are uncertain
AI is exponential. You may have a rough notion of what that means but let’s get closer to the fire so we can better see what it is we’re talking about.
Imagine a 1 Hectare field (a football, pitch will do). We wish to demonstrate the linear way humans do things - gradual incremental advances over time. So starting at the corner you place one regulation sized ball down every day for the next twenty days. It shouldn’t be hard to image that by day twenty you’d have twenty balls in a row. Ok, so lets put some effort and you put the same number of balls as number of days 1 on day 1 2 on day 2 etc. At the end you now have 210 balls,
Now AI doesn’t do linear it exponentially in this case the most basic exponential is power of 2 - so on day 1 you place one on day 2 you double it and keep doubling on for twenty days. On day 19 you have over half a million balls (524,288) that’s enough to cover every inch of space up to the half way line and remembers as you are doubling every day on day 20 you have double that amount and have now covered 100% of the
I created a step-by-step guide to implementing AI having discovered a lack of genuine practical guides that could be applied to any business or organisation regardless of size. The complete step by step guide to Implementing AI into your business is available to buy here. If you take the very canny decision to utilise me to help your implementation I’m happy to discuss your needs in terms of my input and time.
“Vincent was talking informally to a group of business people at a networking event in Hassocks when I first met him. Everyone was captivated by what he was saying about his local business and AI, so I asked him to come and talk at a lunch for volunteers at the Age Concern Day Centre. For 30 minutes he stripped away the mystery that surrounds artificial intelligence for us. Vincent is now using AI to generate tightly focused narratives in the most challenging area of our charity business – fundraising. We could never have done this on our own and are hugely grateful for his interest and involvement”
In Person
A popular phrase in AI is ‘atoms before bits’ referring to the idea that human beings should always remain at the heart of everything AI does and that almost every problem with AI stems from some kind of failure to remember the human aspect.
I hugely endorse this approach which is why I find it most rewarding to meet talk and discuss AI in person or online or phone or in any way beyond the impersonal electronic.
As such I am always happy to give talks, host Q&A’s or give formal presentation tailored to your audience on any and every aspect of AI.
Overviews: How AI is transforming society and business.
Futurology: What are the most current throws doorways as to where AI could and is going
Demystifying: A guide to the core AI ideas and concepts explained in simple terms.
Integration: Assessing where AI could have biggest impact & steps for seamlessly integrating it into your existing systems.
Industry-Specific: A look at real-world AI applications & solutions tailored to your particular industry or sector.
Business Benefits Of AI
Optimise Operations Streamline processes, reduce costs, & enhance decision-making.
Dynamic Planning Adapt plans based on predictive modelling.
Deep Analytics AI’s incredible predictive analytics allows you to to identify business risks & spot opportunities.
Future resilience ensures your business is ready to harness continued innovations in AI for its long-term success.
I’m more than happy to have a free thirty minutes exploratory call where we can discuss any aspect of AI no matter where along the line you may be with it
““..highly recommended, Vincent helped demystify AI and showed me its vast potential for helping grow my business..