Future of Art & Creativity


"Some mute inglorious

Milton here may rest”

This quote is from ‘Elegy In A Country Churchyard’ written by Thomas Gray back in 1750 as he reflected on the fate of those buried beneath the quiet soil.

All the fantastic human potential never realised due to accidents of birth or circumstances.

Now, thanks to AI we’re in a position to right and rewrite this 270 year old narrative.

AI has put us in the early stage of a democratised renaissance.

A world which allows anyone regardless of who they are, or where they’re from to unearth and nurture their talent.

How many countless humans never pursued a calling, a creative endeavour or a dream not through lack of drive or ability but entirely because of cultural and financial barriers?

How many ambitions and dreams have similarly been thwarted simply by a lack of care?

The critical admonishment from a caregiver, the dismissive remarks of an authority figure or quips from judgemental peers.

AI grants us unparalleled unprecedented and un gate-kept access to almost the entirety of human knowledge and learning .

The doors to every seat of learning, workshop and lecture hall have been flung wide open.

And all that content can be exquisitely tailored to your exact needs.

But perhaps an even greater paradigm shift is AI’s benign patience as guide and teacher:

- It never mocks, scorns, dismisses or belittles either you or your work.

- It never make you feel small or inadequate.

- It never stops answering your questions - regardless of repetition or triviality.

- It never tuts or shakse its head at your pace or level of learning.

- It will never despair at your inability to grasp a concept, but will reframe and reframe for as long as needs be.

- And it will do all this cheerfully & tirelessly for as long as you need it to do so.

Imagine for a moment just what you could unleash, accomplish and achieve without those any of the above.

Without the sense of inadequacy and self-doubt.

Imagine stress free learning without censure or fear of failure.

Imagine creating and learning entirely at your own pace and where the only source of judgement comes from within not without.

Tell me, I’ll forget

Show me, I may remember

Involve me I’ll learn