Me in Media

ME in The Media

I hope my passion for extolling exponential thinking is apparent.

Below is a selection from various media. My aim is always to make talking about Exponentiality and AI in general accesible and informative by putting into a context tailored for the particular audience, many of whom may not be quite as absorbed in the subject as I am.

I’ve been speaking publicly for nearly forty years and I constantly strive to make what I have to say innovative, relevant, engaging and genuinely interesting.

I welcome the opportunity to come and give talks, discussions and presentations to any company, organisation, group or endeavour that has the foresight to see the challenges and opportunities of our ever more exponential world.

Vincent was talking informally to a group of business people at a networking when I first met him. Everyone was captivated by what he was saying about his local business and AI, so I asked him to come and talk at a lunch for volunteers at the Age Concern Day Centre. For 30 minutes he stripped away the mystery that surrounds artificial intelligence for us. Vincent is now using AI to generate tightly focused narratives in the most challenging area of our charity business – fundraising. We could never have done this on our own and are hugely grateful for his interest and involvement
— John Rose -Age concern