VitruvAIn Man 🧠🔗🤖
By crafting the right prompt, the scope of what AI can do is genuinely only limited by your own imagination. Here I got AI to interview me as I way for me to clarify in my own mind what it is I want BRAINSTORM to be.
AI: 🤖 Hello ! Thank you for joining us today. To start off, can you briefly describe what inspired you to create Brainstorm AI Consultancy?
ME: 🧠In way you did. I was inspired by the enormous potential impact AI will have on all of humanity and I wanted to help steer that impact in positive and useful ways.
AI:🤖That's a commendable motivation. Given the vast landscape of AI, how does BRAINSTORM AI Consultancy specifically aim to make AI accessible to everyone?
ME:🧠On a personal level I offer services to individuals and organisations to teach and coach them in how to utilise AI for themselves and their customers. On a wider level I track, monitor and absorb information and news from a wide variety of sources about AI, its developments and potential, which I then try and feedback in digestible understandable ways to those who may not share my level of involvement. On one further level I aim to engage and communicate with the AI industry - the decision makers, developers thought leaders etc. in order to give a voice to the voiceless, especially those who are frequently excluded from having a meaningful say in such issues.
AI: 🤖 A quite a comprehensive approach. Given the rapid advancements in AI, how do you ensure that your consultancy remains updated and ahead of the curve in terms of the latest technologies and methodologies?
ME: 🧠I have my own broad beam spectrum approach across multi platforms including twitter, Youtube, discord, Linked-In, Facebook and Reddit as well as subscribing to various forums, newsletters and other sources of AI news and development. I also attend lectures and online conferences on AI. Such is the scope and pace of AI development, I try to set aside at least ninety minutes every day purely to absorbing and exploring the very latest issues.
AI:🤖 Impressive dedication. With the vast amount of information available, how do you prioritise which topics or advancements to delve deeper into and share with your clients and audience?
ME:🧠I long ago learnt a useful maxim 'do not mistake activity for achievement' which I use along with my decades of experience in the world of business and charity to discern what are the very major breakthroughs and what are conceptual. I assess what is showing immediate impact and what is as yet merely showing potential, it is a difficult and time consuming process, but it is important, otherwise people who want to be able to engage with AI may be overwhelmed by the sheer avalanche of data. My wife refers to it as 'baby-birding' in that I am a bit like a mother bird who takes large difficult to swallow pieces of food and turns them into digestible chunks for her chicks!
AI: 🤖 “Baby-birding" is a unique way to put it. Given the potential ethical concerns surrounding AI, how does BRAINSTORM AI Consultancy address and incorporate ethical considerations into its teachings and consultations?
ME:🧠Having spent decades working in sensitive environments with people with multiple disadvantages my commitment to safeguarding and putting the welfare of the individual at the forefront of all my work is second nature. I took on many of my roles as they reflected my own striving for ethical responsibility - I bring the exact same commitment and dedication to BRAINSTORM.
AI:🤖 That's commendable. With the diverse range of clients and individuals you work with, how do you tailor your consultancy services to cater to the unique needs and levels of understanding of each client or organisation?
ME:🧠I am a bit of a curio in that respect as I was born into a working class immigrant family in public housing in Central London and thus grew up in one of the most multicultural and richly diverse neighbourhoods, in one of the most diverse cities on Earth. I have worked for decades with highly disadvantaged groups; homeless, refugees, victims of violence, people with addictions but I have also found myself, through a mixture of luck and dedication, moving into managerial / directorial and Chief Executive circles, as well as moving socially upwards. I didn’t go to University but I am an ardent and passionate life long learner across a huge range of interests and subjects - I am devoted to studying James Joyce, Bertrand Russell, Bucky Fuller, Buddhist philosophy and Information Theory therefore I am able to communicate and tailor my message and style up, down and across, always using my authentic voice whilst refined and defined to the needs, wants and abilities of who it is I am communicating with, be that at an individual or group level.
AI:🤖 Your diverse background and experiences certainly seem to be an asset in understanding and connecting with a wide range of individuals. In the next 5 years, where do you envision BRAINSTORM AI Consultancy to be? What are your major goals or milestones you aim to achieve?
ME:🧠My aim is for BRAINSTORM to continue to provide constant iterations of its services that can keep apace with the AI. One of my previous projects became the model of good practice for the whole of the European Union, I'd like for BRAINSTORM to have that kind of gold standard.
AI:🤖 Aiming for a gold standard is ambitious and inspiring. Last question: What advice would you give to someone who is just starting to explore the world of AI and wants to make a positive impact, similar to what you're doing with BRAINSTORM AI Consultancy?
ME:🧠There is a thousand year old Zen Buddhist maxim that 'there is a flux in everything and everything is in flux' - we would do well to future-proof ourselves by learning to lean into, accept and live with the pace of change especially in the world of AI, doing so would free us to then concentrate on preserving all those things that are worth preserving and conserving. We should be harnessing and utilising AI to best do both. And finally Bucky Fuller called himself ‘trim tab’ - I wonder if, to close this interview, you, AI, would like to explain to the reader what a trim tab is and why Bucky Fuller would refer to himself as such?
AI: 🤖. Certainly. A trim tab is a small control surface on the trailing edge of a larger control surface on a boat or aircraft, such as a rudder or elevator. By adjusting the trim tab, even with a small force, you can change the position of the larger surface, which in turn changes the direction of the vessel or aircraft. Buckminster Fuller often referred to himself as a "trim tab" as a metaphor for how an individual can make a significant impact in the world. Just as the small trim tab can change the direction of a large vessel, an individual, with the right leverage and approach, can create significant change in society. It's a powerful reminder of the potential impact one person can have when they apply themselves in the right way.
ME:🧠Thank you AI Interviewer this has been very interesting.
AI:🤖 You're welcome! It was a pleasure interviewing you and learning about BRAINSTORM AI Consultancy. Best of luck with your endeavours, and if you ever need further insights or discussions, feel free to reach out. Have a great day!