5 Min Intro to Exponential Creativity
This section offers a sample of the kinds of creative work that I’m able to produce as a result of adopting and deploying exponential thinking
As AI becomes ever more capable of handling our more prosaic tasks, the ones we traditionally find to be repetitive, fiddly, laborious, boring etc. the more we are free to put our efforts into the the kinds of tasks we find most satisfying and that best show off our talents and our individuality, planning designing, conceptualising, abstraction, idea generation, noodling, riffing experimenting etc.
Exponential Thinking utilises the power of AI to allow us to play to our strengths, which is more difficult than you think as we’ve long become accustomed to accepting the necessity of ‘grind’ work before we give ourselves permission to move on to the good stuff.
Exponential Thinking allows you to genuinely ‘Think big, really really big and produce the kind of large scale ideas most worthy of us creatures in possession of the human mind - still the most complex beautifully crafted thing in the known Universe